A green hooded man picks William up and carries him through a wall, the blood drips from William's damaged hand. The man carries William through the C block walls then into the area in between that and the hall, the man turns and walks toward a small room off to the side of the hall. He phases through the wall and then the floor into a set of stares. He begins walking down the stairway, the more he descends into the depths the more conscious William becomes. As they reach the bottom of the stairs William regains consciousness and the figure releases him into a chair, William looks around the room he just entered. It's like a dungeon-like area with bookshelves and brewing stuff. Oddly William feels safe in this area. The hooded man begins to measure William's arm and write stuff in a journal of sorts, “Who are you?” questions William. The hooded man ignores him and continues taking information in his book. Williams presses him again for information, “Who are you” He insists again. The hooded figure once more ignores him and William stands up from the chair. The hooded man points at a point on the table with a hand shaped hole in it, one that's perfectly the same size as William's hand. William reluctantly and painfully places his injured hand in the gap. The hooded figure grabs a metal hand and places it on top of William's hand, the man grabs half of the green stone worn on his chest and places it in a gap in the metal glove. The hooded figure stands back and points his palms towards the gauntlet, the stone on his chest starts to glow bright and a beam of green energy spurts out of his metal gauntlets. The beam of energy begins to heat up the gauntlet and Willaims lets out a yelp of pain but holds his arm still in the gauntlet. The Gauntlet grows around his arm and up to his shoulder, as the energy beam decreases in power the gauntlet on Williams arm folds upwards revealing a see through non-crystal clear arm. It has a slight green tint, the metal wrap wraps around his shoulder and seems to contain the new form of his arm. William falls back in shock looking at his arm, he scrambles back to the wall and yells at the hooded figure, “What the hell did you do to me?!” The hooded figure turns to look William in the eyes, he removes the metal bit of his jaw underneath his hood, revealing a tiny piece of his face showing a small-ish brown beard, “Come” he says in a gruff voice. He immediately pivots and turns to face a wall, he presses a brick on the wall and a hidden door opens. He walks down it. William, still shocked and confused, stands up and follows after the man.
William follows the hooded man into a long chamber-like alleyway, alongside the narrow walls there are cages built, holding skeletons with labels of teachers' names. “You have been selected by The Society of The Phantom Limb to represent us, you shall get half of my stone” says The Hooded man out of left field. William recoils in shock a little bit from the sudden noise but continues walking. The hooded man turns to the right and enters into a small room, the room is filled with more modern technology and a thin cylindrical tube. The hooded man beckons William into the room and William reluctantly enters and is promptly strapped into a suit by the hooded man. Straps go around all parts of William's body, after the straps were applied William was given an iron gauntlet exactly the same to the hooded man for his non-special hand. William begins to look happier about this as the gear impresses him, he puts on a black shirt and pants that fit tightly to his body, underneath which the man slides metal sheets for protection. Finally William puts on a dark green overcoat, he puffs up the hood and looks at himself in the mirror, he strikes a bit of a pose and the hooded man snickers a little bit. He pats William on the back and slides a metal jaw covering onto his face, “Follow” the man says as he turns and walks back into the hall.
William now walks behind the man with confidence as he pushes his way into a massive arena like area. William follows the man and looks over the railing at a giant arena area, he looks up to see wires and feels a metal hand attach something to his chest., he looks down to see the hooded man placing half of the green stone on his chest. The man moves his hand to William's shoulder, “Use your arms and the stone and you’ll be fine” says the man teasingly. He pats William on the back and shoves him into the arena. William falls headfirst in and his arm slides into a puddle like substance beneath him to break his fall, William stands up and his arm retracts into its regular form, William looks at it in confusion before his gaze snaps to the door across from him in the arena. The door slides slowly open and a figure steps out, he is cloaked in shadow but with each step his identity is revealed. Black hair, a small large-ish body, glasses, foaming mouth and bloodshot eyes. Brodie charges furiously at William, William looks shocked and attempts to retreat but then turns around with a furious look in his eyes. He cups his hands like he saw the hooded figure do and charges up an attack. As Brodie gets closer the ball of energy continues to charge until it becomes larger than William himself, Brodie jumps extremely high in the air at William and William swings the ball of power around and transforms it into a beam. The beam burns through everything around as he aims it at Brodie, Brodie immediately gets disintegrated as soon as the beam touches him, William continues to swing the beam around uncontrollably. As the power grows William's right eye begins to burn, his eye burns black with a green pupil, green energy runs out as liquid from his eye. The beam finally evaporates and William stumbles backwards and falls against the wall, William clutches his gauntlet arm, it is now covered in ash and is heated extremely high. William lets out a tear from his one regular eye and passes out.
William reawakens inside a library-like area and sees the hooded man standing over him, he grabs onto him with his gauntleted arm, the hand burns the man's cloaked shoulder slightly. Williams pulls himself up using the support of the hooded man, he looks around. “You overdid it, you fucked up your eye. Don’t go so hard next time” explains the hooded man to William. Williams nods and begins walking around the library, opening random books and sticking his gelatinous hand through them. He watches as the words from the page travel through the glob like liquid of his arm into his shoulder and disappear. After they disappear he feels the knowledge flow through him in his mind. He drops the book he's holding and stretches his arm around the circular bookshelves of the room, sticking his arm through multiple books. He watches as the words travel up his arm and he feels an immense amount of knowledge enter his mind, he drops those book and runs to the middle of the room and shrinks down into a small ball-like pose then shoots out his arm in every direction, sticking his liquid into every book and absorbing all the knowledge. The masked man looks on in disappointment until William drops all the books, William turns to him with his eyes glowing bright green as he smiles and looks at him, “I know so much!” says William excitedly. The masked man smiles and shifts upwards revealing the fact he is clutching his right arm, William walks beside him and pulls his cloak a little, the man doesn't seem to be happy but William pulls it open to reveal the man clutching an arm that is almost completely burnt to a crisp, William looks at the masked man in terror “I… I did this?” says William in a scared voice. The man nods lightly and William looks shocked for a moment before changing into an angry expression, “This could kill Bruce right?” asks William. The man nods and points to a flight of stairs behind William, “Go” the man says to William in a pained voice. William begins his travel up the stairs but turns back right before leaving, “I'm gonna come back… back with more questions” says William pointing at the man. The man nods and William turns and continues up the stairs, William pushes the hatch open. He walks out of the room and into the A block student office. William closes the hatch behind him and watches through the glass door, he sees Bruce floating through the air towards A block. William rushes through the door and outside, William stretches his gelatin arm upward and grabs a hold of Bruce, he flings him flying backwards. He continues to walk out and Damien rushes towards him, Damien slows down and William attempts to stick out a hand for a hand shake. Damien recoils in disgust upon seeing William's hand but quickly pushes forward and shakes it. Williams' hand phases through Damiens and both of their eyes glow green, Damien pulls away and falls backward. William recoils out of fear, all of Damiens memories had suddenly entered his mind, “Holy fuck what happened to you all?” says William with a very shocked tone. Damien retreats backwards from William in disgust. William attempts to walk towards him but Damien runs backwards to the others.
Bruce launches himself towards William, William jumps towards him to counter attack and slings his arm over top of the others in a protective bubble type shape. William shoots laser eyes into Bruce's eyes temporarily blinding him. He falls backwards in the air and William jumps up and slams his fist into Bruce. Bruce shrinks his body to a miniscule size to combat the powerful fist. Bruce expands his size and bounces William up into the air. Bruce attempts to punch William but he dodges and transforms his arm into a massive bakchand. William backhands Bruce and he flies through B block destroying the middle of the upper floor on the field, he attempts to recover but his body hardens against his will and he is left laying in the field as the clock strikes midnight.
← 2 . New Day
4. The right hand Man →